Our registration form is available to print using a device. You may then attach it to an email for our Circulation Supervisor and send it that way. Look for a call or email regarding your Library Card number.
We were thrilled to have Optimus Prime from the TRANSFORMERS as our Library Card Sign Up Month special ambassador, highlighting that there's more than meets the eye at WDFPL. Whether you're looking to enhance your skills, find valuable information, or connect with fellow avid readers, a library card unlocks a world of possibilities.
Today’s libraries are vibrant community centers offering much more than just books. At West Deptford Free Public Library, you'll find diverse programs, job search assistance, homework help, book clubs, author talks, story times, and more.
Drawing Class For All Ages Friday Afternoons at 3:30 p.m. in the Library art gallery
Many thanks to Patti, WDFPL p/t Information, Publicity and Circulation Library Assistant, for sharing her artistic talents and teaching ability with our community for the betterment of all. Call to register at 856-845-5593. Btw you may have had a chance to view Patti's unique friends of the Library commissioned murals in the Library's Children's Area.
Dr. Paul Lam's Tai Chi with Instructor Kathy Brown Mondays, January 20, 2025 through April 7, 2025 at 2:00 p.m.
This class is appropriate for beginners, as well as for those with tai chi experience who want to learn. The course will be taught following the methods of Dr. Paul Lam's Tai Chi for Health program. Join Kathy and the rest of us in person at the Library.
To learn more or register, call the library at 856-845-5593
A to Z World Foods Showcase
Thursday, January 30, 2025 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Join us to learn where to find new recipes from all different places around the world. Call to register at 856-845-5593.
Take Your Child to the Library Day 2025
Saturday, February 1, 2025 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Are you up for a fun and free activity for your family? Story Times run at 11am and 1pm for all ages and Big coloring at 11:15 am along with a carry along craft to take home. Take Your Child to the Library Day is a special day for you to explore and share stories!
World Read Aloud Day at Your Library
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Join us at 11am for Read Aloud time in the Story Room and reading/literacy activities throughout the Library.
Are you a reader or maybe a listener? WRAD avocates use their platforms to advocate for, celebrate, and amplify the message of World Read Aloud Day.
LitWorldfoundedWorldRead Aloud Day® (WRAD) in 2010 to celebrate the power of reading aloud to create community and amplify new stories, and to advocate for literacy as a foundational human right. Since then, WRAD has evolved into a global movement of millions of readers, writers, and listeners from across the world coming together to honorthe joy and power of reading and continue expanding the definition and scope of global literacy.
Every year, World Read Aloud Day has been one of the top trending hashtags celebrated bymillions of peoplein over170 countries. From celebrities to students, WRAD brings us together as a global community of readers. As we celebrate WRAD’s 15th year anniversary, we invite you to join the party!
WRADvocates can be anyone- authors, educators, celebrities, parents, community leaders, and of course, here are a few free online Lit Chats if you want to learn more.
EBSCO Auto Repair Source Showcase
Thursday, February 6, 2025 6:00 p.m.
Need help with simple routine maintenance, your vehicle manual and more? Learn about EBSCO Auto Repair Source at your library. Join us to learn about the database, Auto Repair Source, to learn how to make repairs to your vehicle. Find tools and resources you can access from your library virtually and/or in person.
Mango Showcase
Thursday, February 13, 2025 4:00 p.m.
Learn a different language using our Mango Languages database. Join us to see how it works. Call to register at 856-845-5593. Library online resources you can access from your library virtually and/or in person.
Northstar Digital Literacy Class
Thursday, February 20, 2025 6:00 p.m.
Join us to increase your digital literacy with Northstar online classes. Learn how to better use your computer, word, excel, social media and more. Call to register at 856-845-5593.
Functional Foods for Life: Berries with Luanne Hughes
Thursday, February 27, 2025 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Celebrate National Strawberry Day at your Library with Luanne Hughes. Recent studies on berries have indicated possible benefits to health in decreasing the risk of cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, as well as promoting gut health and healthy aging. There are a wide variety of compounds in berries that are being studied for these potential health benefits including anthocyanins, possibly the most abundant polyphenol found in berries.
Luanne is a family & community health sciences educator with Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Gloucester County, based in Clayton, N.J. She is a registered dietitian (RD) with a B.S. degree in Home Economics/Dietetics from Immaculata University and a M.S. degree in Nutrition/Communications from Boston University. Luanne brings a diverse background in clinical research, marketing/public relations, pediatric nutrition, project management and nutrition education to her position with Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Luanne's Family & Community Health Seminar (FCHS) explores the health benefits of berries with a focus on New Jersey berries.
Tasting and a beautiful booklet of berry recipes included! Learn where to find new strawberry recipes from all different places around the world using A to Z World Foods at your Library. Call to register at 845-5593.
Fourth Friday Film Screening
Friday, February 28, 2025 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Join us to screen Guess Who's Coming to Dinner at your Library. This 1967 film was added to the National Film Registry in 2017. WDFPL also has books you may check out titled I am not Sidney Poitier and Sidney Poitier's own book entitled The Measure of a Man along with one or two Katherine Hepburn biographies. Call to reserve your meeting room seat at 856-845-5593.
The History of Turtles in Salt Marshes with Jessica DeGraff-Amber PhD.* Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 1 p.m.
Join us for a virtual lecture. Learn about the history of terrapin conservation and the value of both the diamond back terrapin and the salt marshes in New Jersey.
To learn more, call the Library at 856-845-5593
Clam-Diggers Trade:
NJ Pine Barrens Employments In Support Of Sea-Coast
Activities* September 30, 2021, Thursday 1 p.m.
Join us virtually for a lecture given by
Adjunct Professor Mark Demitroff, Stockton University, on
The Clamdiggers Trade: NJ Pine Barrens Employments in Support of Sea-Coast Activities. Learn about how the N.J. Coastal Zone economy had Pine Barren "sweetwater" roots. Video will be posted here on scheduled date.
The Drowning of Money Island: A Forgotten Community's
Fight Against The Rising Seas Threatening Coastal America* Thursday, October 14, 2021, 1 p.m.
Join us for a virtual lecture by journalist, Andrew Lewis, MFA, Columbia University, as he gives us a fascinating talk on how rising seas are threatening coastal towns. Video will be posted here on scheduled date.
To learn more, call the Library at 856-845-5593
The Variety of Wetlands in Southern New Jersey*
Thursday, November 18, 2021, 1:00 p.m.
Join us for a virtual lecture:
hosted by Claude Epstein, Ph.D.
Dr. Epstein is a Professor Emeritus from
Stockton University. He is the founder of
its Environmental Studies Program as well
as being one of its founding faculty.
To learn more, call the Library at 856-845-5593
*"This program is made possible in part by funding from The Gloucester County Cultural and Heritage
Commission at Rowan College at Gloucester County, a partner of the New Jersey Historical Commission,
a division of the Department of the State."
Fender Guitars is offering free on-line guitar lessons starting now and for the next three months - www.fender.com
The Alice Paul Institute has an elementary school curriculum and worksheets. There is also information and photos concerning the Suffragette Movement –
The Metropolitan Opera is streaming operas every evening, check it out – www.metopera.org
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is touring parts of the museum – www.metmuseum.org
The Museum of Modern Art is offering free on-line courses – www.moma.org
The Chamber Music Society provides livestreams on scheduled days.
Virtual ART Studio livestreams beginning on Friday, June 12.
The Anne Frank House is providing a virtual tour of where Anne Frank and her family hid during World War II.
Cape May County Park and Zoo is providing Virtual Zoo School. Take a look at their daily tours of different parts of the zoo.
Have You Tried E-books on Overdrive?
Reading on the Go @ WDFPL
Do you like reading from a tablet? Check out our Overdrive E-books page for more information.
Many of the programs are video taped (with appropriate permission of the
presenter) and converted into a DVD for placement in our collection.
A short introduction to the presentation is created to introduce the topic and
presenter. Here are a few of the introductions (in low resolution format) of a
few of our more popular programs. (Windows Media Player 9 or higher is required.)